• Posted on: Apr 12 2019

Grand Rapids, MI

It’s officially the spring season, and while many of us are inspired to “spring clean” our homes or office, have you given much thought to spring cleaning your mouth? Hopefully you brush and floss your teeth every day, but your mouth needs more attention than just a few minutes each day. Grand Rapids dentists at A Life of Smiles want to share with you some ways you can refresh and renew your mouth this spring.

Dental Checkup and Cleaning

Nothing can make your mouth feel cleaner than a dental checkup and professional cleaning. Who doesn’t love that fresh feeling you get after the dental hygienist removes all that plaque and those stains from their teeth? It may not be your idea of fun, but you can’t deny that fresh feeling you get after a good dental cleaning. If you haven’t scheduled your first dental cleaning for the first half of the year, go ahead and do that now! Remember, you need a dental cleaning every six months!

Teeth Whitening

Do your teeth need a bit of refreshing? Professional teeth whitening in Grand Rapids removes those stubborn stains, and can give you that refreshed feeling when you smile. While store-bought varieties of whitening treatments may seem cheaper, we can attest that our professional strength whitening treatments provide far better results that last longer! We offer in-office whitening treatments or methods of whitening in the comfort of your own home. To learn more about teething whitening offered at A Life of Smiles, click here.

Get your gum disease treated

If you have gum disease, which apparently half of adults in America do, then you need to commit to a healthy regimen of at-home oral care, as well as receive professional treatments by your dentist. Gum disease starts as inflamed, bleeding gums, and can progress to other stages of the disease that result in bad breath, receding gums, toothaches, and even tooth loss. Ignoring the problem will only make matters worse. Plus, untreated gum disease has been linked to many other disease and health issues including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. Learn more about our gum disease treatment program here.

Full mouth reconstruction

If you decide that your mouth needs a complete overhaul, our cosmetic dentists in Grand Rapids can work with you to perform a full mouth reconstruction that addresses each specific issue you have with your smile. With this treatment plan, it is individualized to address your specific needs, and may entail a combination of treatments such as teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, or more. We can help correct a multitude of cosmetic issues such as crooked teeth, teeth that have gaps, chips, cracks, or that are missing. The goal is to help you achieve a smile that is refreshed and rejuvenated!

If you would like to learn more about our services, or to find out how you can refresh and rejuvenate your smile, please contact A Life of Smiles by calling (616) 458-0631 to schedule a consultation.

We welcome patients of Big Rapids, Grand Rapids, and Holland.

Posted in: General Dentistry