Grand Rapids Metal-Free Fillings

Metal amalgam is still used for treating cavities, but why would you want to have metal fillings when there’s a better option? Dr. Mulder and his team believe that the aesthetic appeal of fillings is just as important as function. We only use the most natural-looking materials because we believe that you shouldn’t have to compromise quality for affordability.

Metal-free fillings have several advantages over traditional amalgam, or silver fillings, as well as porcelain fillings. Dr. Mulder discusses the key benefits of metal-free fillings treatment at the time of your appointment. By understanding the benefits of each option, you will be able to make an informed decision based on your personal preferences.

Grand Rapids Metal Free Fillings

What are Metal-Free Fillings?

A Life of Smiles is a metal-free local Grand Rapids dental practice, and we only offer composite and porcelain fillings that are expertly crafted with our state-of-the-art CEREC system. The fillings look like your natural tooth enamel so that they blend in perfectly. After the metal-free filling is formed in the CEREC machine, it is bonded directly to the tooth surface. This provides a greater degree of stability compared to amalgam fillings.

If you are planning on whitening your teeth, we recommend that you have the whitening done first before having your fillings. This ensures that we can match the materials with your newly brightened smile.

CEREC Fillings vs. Metal-Free Fillings

For more than 15 years, A Life of Smiles has been performing metal-free fillings for our patients. Ceramic CEREC fillings, also known as porcelain fillings, have some benefits compared to metal-free composite fillings. Porcelain fillings:

  • May last longer
  • Are more expensive
  • Are adhered to the tooth and may be easier to clean
  • May protect the tooth surface better
  • Have a smooth, natural texture

Benefits of Metal-Free Fillings

Compared to amalgam and porcelain fillings, composite fillings offer many benefits, such as:

  • Durable
  • Highly resistant to plaque
  • Suitable for most teeth in the front and back of the mouth
  • Blends with the natural tooth
  • Contain no mercury
  • No risk of expansion or contraction
  • Less sensitive to heat and cold

How Long Do Composite Fillings Last?

Composite fillings may have a lifetime of five to seven years.

CEREC Fillings Results

With CEREC fillings, people are not able to notice that you had a cavity filled. Patients who prefer to avoid metals, such as mercury, zinc, and copper, may prefer ceramic fillings more than amalgam fillings.

Composite Fillings Cost

The cost of composite fillings is typically less expensive than ceramic fillings. We can provide you with a pricing comparison at the time of your consultation.

Schedule A Consultation

To learn more about metal-free fillings or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mulder at our office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, please call (616) 458-0631.